Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: March 2025:
CX Manager
- We updated date and time fields in Reports to always show in the timezone of the user that ran the report rather then always showing in UTC.
- We fixed a bug where custom fields of type Product Picklist would show correctly on the Location Layout on the Customer screen but incorrectly on the Location Layout from clicking on the Location Card in the Customer Panel on the Case screen. Custom Product Picklist fields will now show properly on all Location Layout screens.
- We fixed an issue where escalating a Case to a Team in another Organization would show the Owner User field as blank but it would remain set to the original user. Now when you escalate a Case to a Team in another Organization and leave the Owner User field blank, it will properly set the Owner User field as blank.
- We fixed an issue where a user was required to click the Run Filter for any ad hoc filters every time they left and returned to the Cases list. Now when a user sets ad hoc filters on the Cases list and navigates into a Case and back, the Cases list will remain filtered with the previously set filters.
- We fixed an issue where a user would experience a blank screen after navigating into a Case from a grouped Cases View on page 2+ and then clicking back to the Cases list. Now the Cases list will properly show when navigating across multiple pages on grouped views.
- We fixed an issue where adding an Accordion to a Tab Body in a Knowledge Article broke the Tab structure. Now when you add an Accorion to a Tab, the Tab body will properly retain its structure.
- We fixed an issue where a user would press Enter from within a Tab or Accordion body in an Article and it would break the Tab or Accordion. Now when you press Enter in a Tab or Accordion body it will take you to the next line within that Tab or Accordion.
- We fixed an issue where clicking the Next Line button after an Accordion added to the bottom of the Article would put the new line within the Accordion rather than below it. Now clicking the Next Line button after an Accordion will put the next text outside of th Accordion (
after the
).- We fixed an issue where a user would insert a Tab into an Article body and it would sometimes add to a bulleted list. Now a Tab will be added directly to the body without adding any bullets.
- We improved our SSO integrations to better validate against expired SAML tokens.
- We updated our Content Security Policy Headers and CORS policies for enhanced security.
Reporting & Dashboards
- We fixed an issue where filtering visualizations in dashboards with datetime fields would sometimes cause calculation errors.
- We fixed an issue where attempting to edit a visualization on a Dashboard would sometimes results in a CSP error. Now when you edit a visualization you are able to without any errors.
Admin & Settings
- We added the ability to use Control + Click or Command + Click on the Settings dropdown in the top right to easily open the Settings screen in a new tab.
- We fixed a display issue where the Availability would show as 'During Business Hours' on the Messenger configurator when it was really set to 'Always'. Now the screen will always show the proper availability.
- We fixed an issue where long custom fields names would cut off the buttons to add conditional logic or remove them from the layout configuration screen. Now you will be able to access the menu options for all fields on the layout screen no matter how long they are.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: February 2025:
CX Manager
Case Management
- We added the ability to control+click and command+click on 1) Cases in the Cases list 2) Chat tiles in the top nav bar and 3) the main navigation list. Doing this will open the new screen in a new browser tab without impacting your current screen.
- We added the ability to merge cases from the Case edit screen. Click on View All on the Cases section of the Customer panel and from there you can select your Cases to merge. This will make it easier to quickly find related or duplicate Cases for a customer and merge them together without complex filters.
- We fixed a bug where some picklists were retaining hidden values after a user would enter an invalid value into a required picklist field and then delete the value. Now when a user removes a value from a picklist it will properly clear the value and the field will search as expected.
- We fixed an issue where the type ahead text in a picklist field would sometimes get stuck causing the picklist to not show all the values even after the text was removed. Now deleting the text in a picklist will reset the fitlers and show all available options.
- We fixed an issue that caused Tags and Categories to continue to show on the Tags and Category fields on a Case after a Team was deleted from the Tag in Settings. Now when you delete a Team that is related to a Tag, that Tag will no longer show as an option on the Tags picklist on the Case Edit screen for users on that Team.
- We fixed an issue where the Cases Selected count that shows at the top of the Cases list when you select multiple Cases would sometimes show an incorrect count. Now when you select multiple Cases on one or more pages it will always show the proper count both before and after merging Cases.
- We fixed an issue where some Cases would periodically fail to display Events and would have improper access controls.
- We fixed an issue where custom URL fields that were accessed from the Customer screen were not opening the links in a new tab when clicked. Now when you click on the URL in a URL field type on the Customer Location panel, it will open in a new browser tab.
- We updated the functionality of custom product fields so when you add a product from the Add Product list it is saved to that field rather than only saving to the list of available products for that Location.
- We fixed a bug where custom product picklist fields would peridodically disappear from the Location Layout when accessed from the Customer Panel on the Case edit screen.
- We fixed an error that was being thrown when pressing the Add Product button on Product fields on a Location.
We fixed an issue where sending an email to an email integration inbox with multiple email addresses in the To: field would only show the the email integration inbox email address and all other email addresses in the To: field would not be displayed. Now all email addresses in the email’s To: field will show on the Communication Panel To: field.
- We added the ability to cancel any open Action in a Journey from the timeline view so you can close out any Action that is stuck or no longer needs to be completed. Canceling a Task will also now post an event to the events timeline to show the date and time that the Task was canceled.
- We added the ability to force complete an Action in a Journey from the timeline view so you can mark any Action as Complete if it was completed out of order.
- We added functionality to automatically close out any outstanding actions on a Journey when the Journey Closed Out function is used from the timeline. This ensures that that there will be no orphaned Tasks after a Journey is manually closed.
- We updated the icons in the timeline for Steps and Stages that contain Actions that are skipped. Previously it would show the Stage and Step as skipped when they contained a skipped action. Now they will continue to show as In Progress or Completed.
We fixed a bug where the Load More Events button was not showing at the bottom of the Events tab on Knowledge Articles.
Connectors & APIs
- We added Zoho and IRIS CRM to our list of connectors. We will discuss the details of each one in a future post.
- We fixed an issue where changing the name of a Connector was not properly saving.
Messenger (Web & SDK)
- We added rich text formatting for AI agent responses in Messenger to make long responses easier to read (line breaks, lists, clickable links).
- We disabled in-app surveys for canceled cases to prevent incorrect or accidental ratings.
- We added additional retry logic when opening Messenger in case chat ever gets stuck loading messages.
- We added a configuration option to Messenger to show or hide a button that allows customers to immediately route a conversation to a human while they are chatting with an AI agent.
- We fixed an issue where timestamps were showing an incorrect time. Now all timestamps in Messenger will show based on the user's computer timezone.
AI Agents
- We enabled auto case creation and team assignment when routing from an AI agent to a human.
- We added multilingual capabilities with auto language detection to our conversational AI agents.
If you are interested in testing our the beta of our conversational AI agents, please let us know! We would be happy to set one up for you, trained on your knowledge.
Reporting & Dashboards
We updated the default timezone for dashboards to display date/times in PST. If you want the default timezone updated for your organization's dashboard, please reach out to the Customer Success team.
Admin & Settings
- We added a Teams field to restrict Tag and Category acess to the add and edit screens for Tags and Categories in Settings. Leaving this field blank will make the Tag or Category available to all users.
- We added a new Manage Tokens permission to break Tokens access apart from the Edit Organization Settings Permission. This new permission will automatically be given to all users with an Admin Role and can be manually added to your custom packages from Settings > Roles & Permissions > Select Role > Edit Permissions > Administration Settings.
We updated the Edit Organization Settings Permission to control fewer options in Settings. The details are described below:
- The Manage Teams permission now controls showing/hiding the Teams navigation item in Settings (even with Edit Organization Settings off)
- The Manage Users permission now controls showing/hiding the Users navigation item in Settings (even with Edit Organization Settings off). Note that you will need to disable both "Manage Users Passwords" and "Manage Users" to have "Users" nav completely removed from Settings.
- The View Reports permission controls showing/hiding the Reports nav item on the main Nav list (even with Edit Organization Settings off). Note that you will need to disable both "View reports" and "Manage Reports" to have "Reports" option fully removed from main navigation.
- The Create New Knowledge Bases permission now controls showing/hiding the Knowledge nav item in Settings (even with Edit Organization Settings off). Note that you will need to disable both "Create New Knowledge Base" and "Edit Knowledge Base Settings" to have "Knowledge" item fully removed from Settings.
- The Manage Communications Channels permission controls showing/hiding the Channels and Settings options under Communications header in the Settings navigation (even with Edit Organization Settings off)
- The Edit Organization Settings now only shows/hides the General Settings navigation item in Settings.
- We added additional IP checks during user session validation.
- We added additional rate limiting to our login screen to prevent automated attacks.
- We improved our application defense against possible clickjacking.
- We updated application dependencies to mitigate any third party vulnerabilities.
- We improved application security by limiting the number of concurrent user sessions. Users can still work in multiple tabs at the same time.
Security Enhancements
Release Date: 01/16/24:
- We improved the account lockout functionality to prevent improper password resets as part of the flow.
- We mitigated a vulnerability related to an Insecure Direct Object Reference (IDOR).
- We improved our defense against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) between Messenger and CXME.
- We hardened the password requirements function to reduce potential vulnerabilities.
- We mitigated a potential account takeover vulnerability related to the password reset flow.
- We improved our defense againt SQL injections throughout the CXME application.
- We improved our file scanner service to block .msi file types.
Admin & Settings
We added a field called 'Restrict Access To Teams' to the add and edit screens of Tags and Categories in Settings. This field can now be left blank and all Teams will have access to the created Tag or Category. If one or more Teams are added to this field, the Tag or Category will only show to users on that Team when accessed from the Details tab of a Case.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: December 2024
CX Manager
- We added the ability to rename communication threads on Cases. This will allow you to more easily differentiate between multiple threads on a Case. To rename a thread, click on the name of the active thread, change the name, and save.
- We added additional logic when our communication services get disconnected to pull the latest message history when it reconnects to ensure that no messages or chat tiles go missing when the service is reconnecting.
- We fixed an issue where pressing Enter would not properly send a text message from the communications panel (only clicking the Send button would send the message). Now pressing the Enter key will properly send an outbound SMS message.
- We fixed an issue where including a line break in an outbound SMS messages from the Communications Panel would result in the message not being sent. Now you can include line breaks in your messages and it will properly send all parts of the message.
- We fixed an issue where sending an outbound email from the popped out composer would display the Communications Panel with the composer extending to the top of the screen after clicking Send. Now the composer will be the standard height after sending an email from the popped out composer window.
- We fixed an issue where vertically expanding the composer for chat and SMS messages would not give the user the full space to type.
Cases & Navigation
- We improved the type-ahead functionality on our picklist fields in CXME. You can now search for options with partial matching and you can match words on any order rather than needing to find results by an exact match.
- We updated the display of blank Date and Date/Time fields to not show any value when they are have no value. Previously they would display all zeros when the field data was blank.
- We updated the browser tab titles throughout the application. The tabs now follow the pattern, "{Current Screen Name} - OvationCXM". This will make it easier to identify your tabs when you have multiple tabs open.
- We added a new 404 screen in the application. Users will be directed to this screen in the future if they try to navigate to a bad URL.
- We fixed an issue where a user could be logged out of CXME due to inactivity while a report was being downloaded in the background. A user will no longer be logged out automatically while waiting for a report to download.
- We fixed an issue where clicking ‘No’ when asked to confirm the cases you selected to merge would result in an endless spinner. Now clicking ‘No’ will return you to the previous screen.
- We fixed an issue where if a user returned directly back to My Work after cloning a Case from My Work, it would result in an endless spinner. Now you can navigate back to My Work after cloning a case and it loads correctly.
- We fixed an issue where The Action > Assign modal was displaying two Owner Team fields for Work Orders.
In addition to launching APIs and Canvas, Paths, Selection Action, Journey Close Out, Parallel Steps, Parallel Actions, we also fixed several bugs across Jourenys builder and timeline:
- We fixed an issue where adding a Journey to a Case could temporarily hide the display of the communications panel
- We fixed a bug where dragging a Step to a blank area of the canvas would add a new Step.
- We fixed a bug where Stage and Steps in the Journey Timeline would show as Completed when the first Action within them was completed.
- We fixed a small bug where clicking Cancel after adding a Parallel Steps container failed to cancel the node.
Integrations & APIs
We launched our Hubspot Connector and you can read more about it here.
Reporting & Dashboards
- We added new date/time fields to our dashboards so now you can add a single fields on tables that show the date and time in one cell rather than needing separate fields for date and time. We will be rolling this update out to all existing dashboards.
- We are continuing with the migration to our new dashboards and expect the migration to be completed before the end of the year.
Admin & Settings
We fixed an issue where the team name wasn't appearing in the 'Route issue to Team' field on the Messenger configurator when first accessed.
Data Center Migration for Hosted Files
We successfully migrated our file hosting infrastructure to Google Cloud Platform (GCP). This upgrade will bring improvements to the performance, reliability, and scalability of how you add, access, and download files and images.
We now have a unified file hosting service for all of our data center locations and environments, which will lead to a more seamless experience when interacting with files across all of our products and services.
This transition is part of our ongoing efforts to improve our infrastructure and provide you with the best possible experience. If you have any questions or need assistance, please reach out to our support team.
Thank you for your continued trust.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: November 2024:
CX Manager
- We added the ability to increase the vertical space on the email composer as well as to pop the composer out into its own window to provide more room to draft long emails.
- We fixed an issue that occured when a User tried to reset their password and typed in a password that did not meet the security requirements. The screen would previously show as an all white screen but now the proper fields and error messages appear on the screen allowing the user to complete the reset password process.
- For blank Locations that have no Location Name or other data on them, we now display ‘No Name’ in the Location list to make it easier to find and select these Locations.
- We fixed a bug where Quick Reply Tokens would populate the previous Customer Contact's information if a user changed the Contact on the Case and then added the Quick Reply Token without navigating away from the screen.
- We fixed an issue where selecting a Contact or Product from the View All list in the Customer Panel in the CX Manager screen would incorrectly show the Case Events rather than the selected Contact or Product details.
- We enhanced our user session management to automatically log a user out out of all active tabs when they log out of one CXME tab. Previously, users would sometimes get stuck in a ‘loading’ state on their additional tabs.
- We fixed an issue where logging into the same account a second time on a separate tab would incorrectly log the user out of both tabs. Now when a user logs in, all tabs that are on the login screen will also automatically log in.
- We fixed an issue where sometimes a user would need log into the application twice in order for it to load.
We fixed an issue where images would not always display when added to an Article.
We are about to launch the new API and canvas builder for Journeys. We'll share a full release post on this soon!
Virtual Assistants
We improved the performance and resiliency of our Virtual Assistants. This applies to both the bot builder and training console as well as the customer-facing bots through Messenger.
We added a security measure where Organizations can define approved domains for Users that are allowed to be added to their Organization. A user cannot be added if the domain in their email address does not match the Organization's approved domain list. This list can found and updated under Settings > Communications > Settings > Email Domains.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: 10/15/24:
CX Manager
- We fixed a bug where sometimes navigating from a Case back to the Cases list screen would show the correct View but the Cases would not be properly filtered.
- We fixed an issue where the Case Resolution field on the Details panel would show as "Completed" when a Case was resolved as "Unresolved".
Virtual Assistants
We launched a beta version of our voice and chat generative AI agents. If you are interested in learning more or seeing a demo, please let us know.
Reporting & Dashboards
We fixed an issue where dashboards were not being updated on the expected timeline, leading to stale data.
Admin & Settings
- We fixed a bug that was preventing picklist values from being deleted from custom picklist fields.
- We fixed an issue where adding new picklist values to a custom picklist field would sometimes remove other values in the list.
- We fixed an issue where users sometimes saw a "Seems you hit a wall" error on the Layout screen within Settings.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: September 2024
CX Manager
- We improved our connection to our communication servers with enhanced indicators during the (re)connection process and we added additional automatic retries if the connection is lost. This will help improve the overall stability of sending communications from CXME and will make it more clear when a connection is not strong and will alert the user to this issue.
- We fixed an issue where the screen was not fully updated when a user navigated to a new Location under a single Customer profile. Now when a user selects a new Location from the Customer screen, the Location details and the URL will be properly updated to reflect the new Location being shown.
- We fixed an issue where creating a new Customer within the Case creation flow would result in an error. Now when a user creates a new Customer via the Create New Customer button after selecting Create > Case from the global Create button, the new Customer is saved and the Customer and Location fields are displayed in column 1. The 4 sections of column 1 load and the Case Add view is displayed in column 2 with all fields on the Case layout.
- We fixed an issue where the Default Team was not being properly added to Team Associations when creating a new Location with no Team Associations selected.
- We improved the performance of loading lists of Teams within the application.
Integrations & APIs
We improved the performance of the Phone APIs.
Messenger (Web & SDK)
- We updated the generated embeddable code snippet in the Web Chat Channel to now integrate the Messenger app instead of the old Web Chat app. You can read about Messenger here.
- Web Chat instances that are added to Knowledge Libraries have been updated to the new Messenger product as well.
Admin & Settings
- We increased the number of of Tags that you can have in restricted lists by Category. Previously you could only have 6 Tags under each Category. Now you can add up to 20 Tags per Category.
- We updated the list of Alert Templates under Teams > Alert Templates to display the Alert Template Name instead of only displaying the Subject of the Alert Template. This will make it easier to identify the Alert Template you are looking for without needing to click into each one.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: 08/29/24
CX Manager
- We fixed an issue where the scroll bar didn't work on the left folder navigation under Reports. You will now see a scroll bar when you have more folders than fit on a single screen.
- We fixed an issue where navigating to the Events timeline immediately after creating a Case could somtimes display a blank panel.
- We fixed an issue where sometimes a user sending an email could experience the message successfully being sent but not showing in the messaging panel.
- We fixed an issue where the browser tab title would sometimes display the wrong screen name. When a user navigated to a Case, the browser tab title would show the correct ID and name of the Case, but when the user went back to the Cases list, the broswer tab title would not update. The browser tab title will now properly update for the screen you are viewing.
We fixed a bug where Users were periodically being logged out without any notification. We also added a confirmation modal to let Users know they have been logged out instead of just taken directly back to the login screen.
We fixed an issue where a Task Action would periodically not start on the Journey timeline due bad formatting of the Due Date.
Virtual Assistants
We improved the performance, intent matching, and predication capabiltiies of the Virtual Assistants.
Reporting & Dashboards
We fixed an issue in Reports where the Status filter would display a numerical number rather than the actual name (string) of hte status selected by the user.
Admin & Settings
We fixed an issue where Tags and Category dropdowns were not always populating when using them for conditional logic in Layouts.
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: 08/06/24:
CX Manager
- We improved the processing performance of our email IMAP integrations.
- We moved our core application to new load balancers to enhance performance and resiliancy.
- We fixed a bug that was causing the names on some dialog modals were being cut off.
- We fixed an issue where the list of files in the Case panel of the CX Manager screen did not properly scroll when the files went past the bottom of the screen.
- We fixed an issue where email history in certain email clients was displaying ‘Boomtown’ instead of the customer’s name when showing who wrote the previous emails.
- We fixed an issue where Articles were sometimes not rendering inside the Solutions panel on the CX Manager screen due to increased security restrictions. All Articles will now properly load in the Solutions panel.
- We fixed an alignment issue on the search results page in the extenral knowledge libraries.
We launched our new journey builder that introduces a new canvas for more flexible and dynamic journeys. You can read the full release notes here.
We released an updated Salesforce Managed Package with improved permission sets and improved load times. You can read the full release notes here.
Virtual Assistants
We improved the performance of training large virtual assistants.
Reporting & Dashboards
We fixed a bug where the value in the MID field in Reports was not showing for the latest Case on each Location.
Admin & Settings
We improved the load performance of the Teams page in settings as well as loading any object that relates to Teams (e.g. a Location or a Case).
We improved security on hosted screens (such as forms) with enhanced content security policies.