6 months ago
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: September 2024
CX Manager
- We improved our connection to our communication servers with enhanced indicators during the (re)connection process and we added additional automatic retries if the connection is lost. This will help improve the overall stability of sending communications from CXME and will make it more clear when a connection is not strong and will alert the user to this issue.
- We fixed an issue where the screen was not fully updated when a user navigated to a new Location under a single Customer profile. Now when a user selects a new Location from the Customer screen, the Location details and the URL will be properly updated to reflect the new Location being shown.
- We fixed an issue where creating a new Customer within the Case creation flow would result in an error. Now when a user creates a new Customer via the Create New Customer button after selecting Create > Case from the global Create button, the new Customer is saved and the Customer and Location fields are displayed in column 1. The 4 sections of column 1 load and the Case Add view is displayed in column 2 with all fields on the Case layout.
- We fixed an issue where the Default Team was not being properly added to Team Associations when creating a new Location with no Team Associations selected.
- We improved the performance of loading lists of Teams within the application.
Integrations & APIs
We improved the performance of the Phone APIs.
Messenger (Web & SDK)
- We updated the generated embeddable code snippet in the Web Chat Channel to now integrate the Messenger app instead of the old Web Chat app. You can read about Messenger here.
- Web Chat instances that are added to Knowledge Libraries have been updated to the new Messenger product as well.
Admin & Settings
- We increased the number of of Tags that you can have in restricted lists by Category. Previously you could only have 6 Tags under each Category. Now you can add up to 20 Tags per Category.
- We updated the list of Alert Templates under Teams > Alert Templates to display the Alert Template Name instead of only displaying the Subject of the Alert Template. This will make it easier to identify the Alert Template you are looking for without needing to click into each one.