2 months ago
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: December 2024
CX Manager
- We added the ability to rename communication threads on Cases. This will allow you to more easily differentiate between multiple threads on a Case. To rename a thread, click on the name of the active thread, change the name, and save.
- We added additional logic when our communication services get disconnected to pull the latest message history when it reconnects to ensure that no messages or chat tiles go missing when the service is reconnecting.
- We fixed an issue where pressing Enter would not properly send a text message from the communications panel (only clicking the Send button would send the message). Now pressing the Enter key will properly send an outbound SMS message.
- We fixed an issue where including a line break in an outbound SMS messages from the Communications Panel would result in the message not being sent. Now you can include line breaks in your messages and it will properly send all parts of the message.
- We fixed an issue where sending an outbound email from the popped out composer would display the Communications Panel with the composer extending to the top of the screen after clicking Send. Now the composer will be the standard height after sending an email from the popped out composer window.
- We fixed an issue where vertically expanding the composer for chat and SMS messages would not give the user the full space to type.
Cases & Navigation
- We improved the type-ahead functionality on our picklist fields in CXME. You can now search for options with partial matching and you can match words on any order rather than needing to find results by an exact match.
- We updated the display of blank Date and Date/Time fields to not show any value when they are have no value. Previously they would display all zeros when the field data was blank.
- We updated the browser tab titles throughout the application. The tabs now follow the pattern, "{Current Screen Name} - OvationCXM". This will make it easier to identify your tabs when you have multiple tabs open.
- We added a new 404 screen in the application. Users will be directed to this screen in the future if they try to navigate to a bad URL.
- We fixed an issue where a user could be logged out of CXME due to inactivity while a report was being downloaded in the background. A user will no longer be logged out automatically while waiting for a report to download.
- We fixed an issue where clicking ‘No’ when asked to confirm the cases you selected to merge would result in an endless spinner. Now clicking ‘No’ will return you to the previous screen.
- We fixed an issue where if a user returned directly back to My Work after cloning a Case from My Work, it would result in an endless spinner. Now you can navigate back to My Work after cloning a case and it loads correctly.
- We fixed an issue where The Action > Assign modal was displaying two Owner Team fields for Work Orders.
In addition to launching APIs and Canvas, Paths, Selection Action, Journey Close Out, Parallel Steps, Parallel Actions, we also fixed several bugs across Jourenys builder and timeline:
- We fixed an issue where adding a Journey to a Case could temporarily hide the display of the communications panel
- We fixed a bug where dragging a Step to a blank area of the canvas would add a new Step.
- We fixed a bug where Stage and Steps in the Journey Timeline would show as Completed when the first Action within them was completed.
- We fixed a small bug where clicking Cancel after adding a Parallel Steps container failed to cancel the node.
Integrations & APIs
We launched our Hubspot Connector and you can read more about it here.
Reporting & Dashboards
- We added new date/time fields to our dashboards so now you can add a single fields on tables that show the date and time in one cell rather than needing separate fields for date and time. We will be rolling this update out to all existing dashboards.
- We are continuing with the migration to our new dashboards and expect the migration to be completed before the end of the year.
Admin & Settings
We fixed an issue where the team name wasn't appearing in the 'Route issue to Team' field on the Messenger configurator when first accessed.