a year ago
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: 04/18/23:
Starting with this release, we shifted to monthly software releases. Here are the updates going live with this release:
CX Manager
- Fixed a bug where the phone screen pop icon was sometimes routing the User to an incorrect case
- Fixed a bug where Users were receiving an error message after editing and saving Form responses
- Reduced load times for screens containing Customer data
- We are excited to announce a new feature that allows users to restore Previously Published versions of Articles as editable Drafts. With this update, you can easily retrieve any version that you have published in the past and restore it as a Draft for further editing and/or publishing. If you already have a Draft version of the Article, you will receive a prompt letting you know that restoring the Previously Published version will delete your current Draft.
- We updated the way Insert Articles look in the new editor. If you insert an Article and do not choose to embed it, there will be a link to the Article that looks and behaves the same way inserting a link would. If you embed the Article, you will be able to see the entire embedded Article as if you were viewing it in the external Library.
- Added a Load More button to the Version Picklist when in the view state of an Article. This will improve overall load times by limiting the list to 25 versions. If you have more than 25 versions of an Article, you can click on the Load More button at the bottom of the list to access the remaining versions. We also fixed a bug where the Published and Draft versions were not always listed at the top of the list.
- Added the ability to delete the entire Article to the more options menu when you are in the view or edit state of the Article
- Fixed a bug where inserting a file into an Article was not displaying the name of the file
- Fixed a bug where the Labels section while editing an Article would sometimes get stuck in a loading state. The issue was occurring due to Sub-labels not being deleted completely. We improved the behavior of deleting Labels and Sub-labels.
- Fixed a bug where Users were sometimes being logged out due to inactivity without receiving a notification
- Fixed a bug where archived Articles were appearing in the list of selectable Articles when inserting an Article
Virtual Assistants
We are excited to announce the launch of our Topic Modeling update to our Virtual Assistants, which will allow you to easily enhance and fine-tune how your Virtual Assistants respond to customer inquiries. We will share a full detailed post on topic modeling soon, but here is a preview of the new functionality:
- Added a default view page to review each individual cluster. This page will enable users to get relevant information/analytics on each of the phrases, select/ignore phrases, rename the cluster and map the cluster to relevant intents for training.
- Created a new page under "Clustering" section of Virtual Assistants to run the Topic Modeling flow which automatically creates the clusters with unhandled user responses for mapping them to VA Intents.
- Added a default view page to review all the created clusters under "Clustering" section of the VAs. The page will enable users to get relevant information, select/ignore phrases under each cluster and map the cluster to relevant intents for training.
- Integrated BERT Topic Model with our VA classification models to capture, classify and train any unhandled/unclassified user responses
- Added a static Ignored cluster which will collect all the user-ignored phrases. The following Ignored cluster can also be mapped to an Intent
- Added the capability to collect the user responses from Messenger instances as training data for the Topic Model
- Added Cluster Table Creation functionality where Topic Model will group the unhandled responses into relevant clusters and populate the tables with the generated cluster details
- Fixed an error, which sometimes prevented the Bots Activity table from successfully loading on the Analytics Dashboard
Connectors & APIs
- Fixed a bug where the customers/location/get endpoint on APIv3 was not returning the filtered location
Admin & Settings
- Fixed a bug where adding conditional logic to Custom Fields on Case and Location layouts was not working as expected. You should now be able to apply Show/Hide logic to Custom Fields based on one or more requirements.
- Fixed a bug where all of the text became distorted after creating a new Tag in Settings
- Fixed a bug where Users were allowed to update Tags with Teams that they were not on
We made several color and styling enhancements throughout the platform to continue on our path of becoming ADA WCAG 2.1 compliant. These color and styling updates were applied to input fields, switches, the main navigation menu and dropdown, text, and button borders.