8 months ago
Updates & Bug Fixes
Release Date: 08/06/24:
CX Manager
- We improved the processing performance of our email IMAP integrations.
- We moved our core application to new load balancers to enhance performance and resiliancy.
- We fixed a bug that was causing the names on some dialog modals were being cut off.
- We fixed an issue where the list of files in the Case panel of the CX Manager screen did not properly scroll when the files went past the bottom of the screen.
- We fixed an issue where email history in certain email clients was displaying ‘Boomtown’ instead of the customer’s name when showing who wrote the previous emails.
- We fixed an issue where Articles were sometimes not rendering inside the Solutions panel on the CX Manager screen due to increased security restrictions. All Articles will now properly load in the Solutions panel.
- We fixed an alignment issue on the search results page in the extenral knowledge libraries.
We launched our new journey builder that introduces a new canvas for more flexible and dynamic journeys. You can read the full release notes here.
We released an updated Salesforce Managed Package with improved permission sets and improved load times. You can read the full release notes here.
Virtual Assistants
We improved the performance of training large virtual assistants.
Reporting & Dashboards
We fixed a bug where the value in the MID field in Reports was not showing for the latest Case on each Location.
Admin & Settings
We improved the load performance of the Teams page in settings as well as loading any object that relates to Teams (e.g. a Location or a Case).
We improved security on hosted screens (such as forms) with enhanced content security policies.